Welcome to my website where you will find information about my historical novels and latest projects. Click on the titles above for information on individual books.
My collection of historical fiction novels are written from the perspectives of women like Margaret Beaufort, Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII's queens and his daughter, Mary Tudor. But common women deserve a voice too and in The Winchester Goose I provide the private opinions of a prostitute from Southwark and, at the opposite end of the scale, Sisters of Arden follows the path of a group of young nuns during the upheaval of the dissolution of the monasteries.
My most recent project is the trilogy, The Henrician Chronicle which is told from the point of view of Henry VIII himself. The trilogy traces his life from the nursery to his death, bringing to life the caricature he has become in recent years. A deeper look at the monster within, if you will.
All books are available as paperbacks or on kindle and many of my titles are now on Audible.
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